Thursday, January 29, 2009

Student Clinic ReOpens

The student staffed Physiotherapy Clinic, at the University of Alberta has re-opened. I was introduced to the clinic a year ago. The students did a wonderful job on me, then, reducing pain, increasing strength, and mobility, on my troublesome new left hip.

The clinic shut down last spring. It re-opened, two weeks ago. Good news for me. I'm back. This time working on troublesome right side issues. The result of over use and complications from the original surgery.

In just two sessions, " we've " identified some issues, devised new therapies. All I have to do is follow the regime. Best part, it's working.

The biggest benefit to the the student clinic, for me, is time and attention. It's a one hour appointment, with two students and a supervisor. Collaboration and consultation amongst the four of us is enabling. The sessions consist of assessment, to monitor progress and issues, treatment, and exercises.

The down side is the teaching environment. The patient needs to be patient, as the students work through their analysis. Not an issue for me, I enjoy the interaction. Patient gets to make the odd suggestion. Better patient gets a hearing! We all learn!

Find out more from Geoff Bostick PT PhD Candidate
Rehabilitation Science
Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
3-48 Corbett Hall
Edmonton AB CAN
T6G 2G4

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