Saturday, April 02, 2005

Vitamin D The Sunshine Vitamin

In anticipation of heading out doors, those of us in the Northern part of North America are full of it. We can also expect dire warnings about exposure to the sun, perhaps that should be over exposure. That latter is not a good thing; the former is. There is a whole range of issues around the sun, not the least of which is we can't live without it.

It seems rather silly to subscribe to the notion that avoiding the sun is good for you. The intent of the various advisors on the subject is help you avoid sun burn, and other more serious ailments, which may or may not be, linked to exposure to the sun. Actually, a sun burn like any other burn is your body's way of telling you that you've had enough!

For a definitive look at the topic you may want to read The UV Advantage; written by Dr Michael Hollick Ph.D., M.D. Professor of Medicine, Dermatology, Physiology and BioPhysics, Director of the General Clinical Research Center and Director of the Bone Health Care Clinic at Boston University Medical Center.

What you'll get is; what's good and not so good about how you expose yourself to the sun.

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